Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This blog has been created as a place for Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) sufferers, family and friends, and other supporters of TN sufferers to come together and share stories and experiences. If you would like to post a blog as a guest author, I invite you all to feel free to contact me at mytnpain@gmail.com.

As a TN sufferer myself I've been up and down this TN roller coaster ride. With the support of all TN sufferers and support links we can take the ups and downs and twists and turns together and make sure we stay on the tracks.

In the near future I hope to have some subject tabs up (medicine, home remedies, doctors, links to support groups, and other resources). I am asking all of you to please comment on what you would like to see appear on this blog and I will do my best to make it happen for the benefit of everyone. It's not just my trigeminal nerve facial pain, it's yours and it's everyone else's.

I look forward to hearing from you and I'll post all that I can, whether it gets on my nerves or not - even if it's a pain in my ... face.